When Skies are Grey is the longest standing Everton fanzine.
We've been here for over 30 years.
For the majority of that time we were a paper magazine but since 2013 we've been digital only.
This means you can only view it on a tablet, a mobile or a PC. It's still a magazine, it is still recognisably WSAG. But its bigger, brighter and better. There are more pages, more colour, more contributors and more issues.
If you haven't seen WSAG for a while maybe it's time to get re-acquainted. Time to take another look.
You can download an issue for free by clicking this link
You can also read an issue here
If you like what you see we offer subscriptions either on a yearly (10 issues) or half-yearly (5 issues) basis
Here's how it works. You chose your subscription rate and pay via our secure shop. On receipt of your payment you will receive an email from us with a subscription code and full, easy to follow instructions on how to access the magazine and how to download it to your tablet or mobile. (Don't worry if you have both, our subscriptions will run across several devices.)
For your subscription you will receive the next 5 or 10 issues along with a whole stack of back issues to plough through over the coming months. At the moment, there are over 50 back issues all of which you will receive free with your subscription.
Each new monthly issue will download automatically as and when they are published.
You can also purchase WSAG directly from Exact Editions, our digital printer at http://www.exacteditions.com/read/wsag or directly from iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/when-skies-are-grey/id644339435?mt=8
At the moment we are only doing magazine subscriptions but get in touch if there's something you're after. Contact whenskiesaregrey@btinternet.com