Linseed oil 500 ml plastic

Linseed oil 500 ml plastic

Product Details

: 622009

Product Description

In Russia, flaxseed oil was consumed and used as an effective medicinal product. So during the fast, it was part of the diet with vegetables, then it was added to a variety of dishes. Since ancient times, linseed oil has helped a person to heal wounds and relieve pain. Today, a number of other therapeutic effects are known.

We squeeze out our oils by cold pressing (pressing) on ​​wooden equipment (oak, ash). It is this way of pressing that is the most gentle and allows you to save all the useful minerals and trace elements of the raw material in the final product.

Because of the high content of Omega-3 and Omega-6, flax seed oil promotes normalization of metabolic processes in the body and has a number of medicinal properties.

Regular use of linseed oil in the diet helps reduce cholesterol and blood viscosity, increase the elasticity of blood vessels, which prevents the development of myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis, hypertension, coronary heart disease, reduces the risk of stroke and blood clots.

Flax seed oil normalizes the work of the entire digestive system of a person: improves liver function, promotes the treatment of colitis, gastritis, eliminates constipation, heartburn, has an antiparasitic effect.

The immuno-protective properties of the oil are invaluable: its use as a food product prophylactically prevents some oncological diseases (breast cancer and rectal cancer). Also, in medicine, it is recommended that oil from flax seed be taken to the postoperative and weakened patient during the rehabilitation period. It is recommended to regularly use flax oil for children for a full, healthy development of the body.

Very important is the role of flax seed oil as a healthy health product in the life of any woman. This oil must be included in the diet of pregnant women, tk. its components have a positive effect on the proper development of the brain of the future child, facilitate the course of pregnancy and childbirth. Daily use of oil from flax seed normalizes the hormonal background, softening the premenstrual syndrome, and improves the well-being of women in menopause.

Flaxseed natural oil has found wide application in the complex treatment and prevention of lung and bronchial diseases, diseases of the nervous system, kidney and bladder diseases, thyroid disorders, and treatment of male potency disorders.

Warted linseed oil has been used successfully in cosmetology. It rejuvenates and softens the skin, fights harmful bacteria, therefore it is a part of many creams and masks for skin and hair. In dietetics, flax oil is considered to be an effective means for losing weight.

Pure natural oil from flaxseed is a product easy to digest, suitable for a normal and vegetarian diet, which has a variety of medicinal properties. It can be added to various salads, mixed with honey, used in home cosmetics.

Shelf life

We recommend not storing our oils for more than 3 months. It is better to buy freshly squeezed oil in a month or three than to continue using the old one, which will be much more useful. Especially since we give you this opportunity;)

43,00 € inc. tax
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