Sunflower oil 500 ml plastic

Sunflower oil 500 ml plastic

Product Details

: 622011

Product Description

Sunflower oil is one of the most popular products on our table. Produced from sunflower seeds, it is present in a variety of dishes, and many prefer it to animal fats. The most natural and valuable is the syrupy sunflower oil. We squeeze out our oils in this way: by cold pressing (pressing) on ​​wooden equipment (oak, ash), therefore all useful minerals and trace elements of the raw material are stored in the final product.

Sunflower oil of cold pressing is very different from the usual refined and unrefined oils from the store and even from that golden brown oil with the smell of fried sunflower seeds that we bought from grandmothers.

Quality syroblized sunflower oil preserves a natural set of components. These are vitamins A, D, E, F, K, polyunsaturated, monounsaturated, saturated fatty acids, antioxidants and their natural enhancers. As in any vegetable product, this oil contains virtually no cholesterol.

Sunflower oil has in its composition much more powerful natural antioxidant (antioxidant) - alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E) than all other oils available to the mass consumer (over 60 mg per 100 g). In live, warty sunflower oil, the content of this vitamin is 12 times higher than in olive oil. Vitamin E - the strongest antioxidant, supporting immunity and preventing aging. Fat-soluble vitamin E (tocopherol) allows the removal of free radicals. It promotes the production of sex hormones, prevents the appearance of atherosclerosis and thrombosis.

Vitamin F (a set of polyunsaturated fatty acids) actively reduces cholesterol. It is useful for the endocrine system, for skin and hair health. Its action allows you to reduce weight, it is used to prevent atherosclerosis.

Vitamin A supports the normal development of our organs, is useful for vision, for immunity and for the work of the lungs. It is used for the prevention of cancer.

Vitamin K promotes muscle tone, positively affects blood clotting.

Vitamin D is useful for normalizing metabolic processes in the body.

In folk medicine, the healing properties of sunflower oil are used to treat pulmonary diseases, thrombophlebitis, bowel and liver diseases (fasting or vegetable salads).

Sunflower oil allows to purify the body and support it with migraine, gastrointestinal diseases, heart, liver, atherosclerosis and cholecystitis, with constipation and joint pain, with skin inflammations and burns, with periodontal disease.

Humidification and regeneration - these qualities of sunflower oil are used in cosmetology. It is based on the production of ointments, patches, and some medications. Sunflower oil is used in the care of oily, sensitive, problematic, withering, dry, dehydrated skin. Those. it is beneficial for virtually any skin type.

It is an excellent organic product for nutrition and health maintenance. It is best to use oil in salads, it is great for a vegetarian diet.

Shelf life

We recommend not storing our oils for more than 3 months. It is better to buy freshly squeezed oil in a month or three than to continue using the old one, which will be much more useful. Especially since we give you this opportunity;)

24,00 € inc. tax
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