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7 product(s) found for "Training Materials"

Teacher's Manual

Teacher's Manual

The Teacher's Manual serves as the handbook for the Tattum Reading program with sections that include diagnostics, scope and sequence, fluency, comprehension and many more. This combines aspects from both...

Skype Discussion with Founder of Tattum Reading

Skype Discussion with Founder of Tattum Reading

30 minute skype discussion with the Founder of Tattum Reading & FAST Reading on any topic.

Tattum Reading Interactive Smart Board Program

Tattum Reading Interactive Smart Board Program

To be used with Classroom Smart Boards, this program gives a short lesson of all the concepts and gives classroom activities for review. It also serves as a classroom-sized board instead of the larger...

Words & Quotes

Words & Quotes

The Words & Quotes activity book includes spelling, speed reading, and phrase reading exercises.

Tattum Reading Lessons

Tattum Reading Lessons

Everything you need for your daily lessons in one compact manual. Step by step lesson plans and extended instruction for each of the twenty-five Tattum Reading concepts.

Magnet Set

Magnet Set

Set of kiss-cut 'breakaway' color magnets for both the front and back sides of the board.

Teacher's Manual & Tattum Reading Lessons Package

Teacher's Manual & Tattum Reading Lessons Package

The Teacher's Manual serves as the handbook for the Tattum Reading program with sections that include diagnostics, scope and sequence, fluency, comprehension and many more. Tattum Reading Lessons provides...

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