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Princess Phoebe Meets the Tudors
Product Code:PPMT
Product Condition:New
£6.99 inc. tax
Princess Phoebe Meets the Tudors
by Sammy Winward
In Princess Phoebe Meets the Tudors, Sammy Winward presents a historically accurate snapshot of Tudor princesses, accessible to younger readers. The book presents female characters as strong and self aware, balanced with the awfulness of Tudor life.
Beautifully illustrated by Eric Heyman Princess Phoebe Meets the Tudors collects the stories of Anne Boleyn, Jane Grey, Mary I and Elizabeth I, and presents them in an accessible way for the twenty- first century readers.
Along the way, Phoebe discovers that female empowerment is not just a modern day phenomenon. As she travels through the fourth dimension she collects lessons from history on how to be a truly great princess. Sammy’s book magically divulges the secrets of all these princesses, right up to the bitter end!
by Sammy Winward
In Princess Phoebe Meets the Tudors, Sammy Winward presents a historically accurate snapshot of Tudor princesses, accessible to younger readers. The book presents female characters as strong and self aware, balanced with the awfulness of Tudor life.
Beautifully illustrated by Eric Heyman Princess Phoebe Meets the Tudors collects the stories of Anne Boleyn, Jane Grey, Mary I and Elizabeth I, and presents them in an accessible way for the twenty-
Along the way, Phoebe discovers that female empowerment is not just a modern day phenomenon. As she travels through the fourth dimension she collects lessons from history on how to be a truly great princess. Sammy’s book magically divulges the secrets of all these princesses, right up to the bitter end!

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