A Bear Went Out One Afternoon
A Bear Went Out One Afternoon
A Bear Went Out One Afternoon
A Bear Went Out One Afternoon
Brand:Jelly Bean Picture Books
Product Code:ABWOOA
Product Condition:New
£7.99 inc. tax
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A Bear Went Out One Afternoon
by Adam Meredith

This charming story follows a bear along his afternoon walk.

On the way, he encounters animals with opposing opinions to his own. Bear is not put off by this and decides to make up his own mind...

He soon finds out if crocodiles really are greedy, if three-toed sloths actually are lazy, and if crabs are as unpleasant as he’s been led to believe.

This book, beautifully illustrated by Terry Cooper, is a journey of discovery that encourages the reader to embrace the differences in all of us.
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