With one horrible moment, his life could’ve been over. All Jamie had ever wanted was Piper. Her love, and her mind were just a bonus. All of the threats had come true. Fact was, he was still too worried to tell her. He knew where the bullet had come from, but had no idea why. All he knew was that if she was gone, he might as well jump in the casket with her.
Like one shot would ever stop her. In pain, but still standing. That’s how she saw it. Amy wasn’t about to destroy her and end her career with a stray bullet. She had more to get done, like ensuring that Amy and whoever she was working with were arrested. Pain just slows her down. Finishing the dream tour wasn’t going to stop either.
All he had ever wanted was in his grasp, and everything she’d wanted was attainable, but would it end in bloodshed? Nobody was bulletproof….