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Welcome to iC3sales
Impilo Communications BTEAS for PBX Telephone Services in South Africa.
We are about Service and Choice: -
We put our customers' needs first
- Providing an affordable alternative to expensive proprietary PBX systems
- Take away the hassle of dealing with corporate service providers and let us take care of it for you
- By providing tailor made advice based on our clients’ needs and by avoiding a rip and replace scenario, we will add value to any business' communication needs
- Providing professional client relationships through quality after sales service and support.
We are about Service and Choice: -
We put our customers' needs first
- Providing an affordable alternative to expensive proprietary PBX systems
- Take away the hassle of dealing with corporate service providers and let us take care of it for you
- By providing tailor made advice based on our clients’ needs and by avoiding a rip and replace scenario, we will add value to any business' communication needs
- Providing professional client relationships through quality after sales service and support.
WhatsApp your email address and mobile number to 0671864678 for same day, no obligation, quote.